Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Smell of Democracy Part 2

This came to my attention after I had done the earlier posting.

Then this happened:

‘Last week The (un) Australian published an article which asserted certain facts about The Australian Greens party. At the time we took the decision to publish, we were of the view that the name of the website, the description of the website contained in the “About” section and the tone of the article was such that a  reasonable person would infer that the article was satirical.
Regrettably a large readership took the article at face value and initiated an online campaign against The Greens just days out from the NSW state election.
As a result of this campaign, legal proceedings have been initiated against The (un) Australian alleging deliberate misinformation published by us had an adverse affect on results of the state election.’

The site has now stopped publishing.

I seriously doubt that it had much of an impact on the Green vote. I suspect that anyone who was part of the online campaign would have had it in for the ‘feral Greens’ in the first place. However, I will keep an open mind and watch for and report developments.

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